Charity for the Needy for Passover/ Adel Fund Passover Drive-Each Jew deserves to celebrate Passover, our Nation's freedom, joyfully! A great number of people have turned to, or have been offered by, the Chabad Adel Fund for 'maos chittim' (financial help for assistance for Passover). This is a time honored Jewish obligation and mitzvah before Passover. The Adel Fund will be giving to each of them in various ways mostly financial. Please be part of this important mitzvah and by contributing below. Thank you to those who have already donated to this important cause. If you know of people who need financial help for Passover please let me know and assistance will be given to them respectfully and quietly.
The need today for the Adel Fund, even in our own community, is truly great. For some it may be job loss, a sudden drop in sales, serious illness, etc some families who depend on their paychecks to meet their basic needs are really struggling. Although it can be a wonderful system that has brought tremendous blessing, there will always be pockets of struggle in an economy built on capitalism. A Jewish community is there for those who are struggling rather than abandoning them to the caprices of capitalism. I am grateful to you for being my partners in this vital community mitzvah! May you and yours always be on the giving end! There is no overhead; every dollar goes directly to those in need.
Short on time? To partner in the Passover drive through PayPal CLICK HERE
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