Kiddush Packages 

"The Kiddush" has become a vital part of Chabad of Potomac as it does much to create friendships, community and the warm Shul atmosphere in which we take pride.
You may choose to sponsor a Kiddush in honor of an event of your choice. While many people like to sponsor a Kiddush to mark an important anniversary or birthday, one is not limited to personal landmarks or life cycle events. Sponsor a Kiddush in honor of the land of Israel, Health and Healing, the Chabad Potomac Community, and any other special reason for which you may be thankful.
May the merit of sponsoring a Kiddush and thereby encouraging community unity and Shabbat celebration, bring you and yours great blessing! 



1. We will contact you with the option of Co-Sponsorship if there is already a sponsor in place for the date that you have chosen.

2. Even if your Kiddush sponsorship date is already reserved, allowing for co-sponsorship is required if your Kiddush amount is under $800. 

3. The minimum cost, per sponsor, for a shared Kiddush is $400.

4. Menu choices are finalized by noon on the Monday before the Kiddush to allow time for ordering needed items. 

5. At the latest, Kiddush sponsorships are due by the Wednesday preceding the Kiddush.  

6.  Please note that if you are working with a caterer and paying them directly, there is a $150 fee to be paid to the Shul to cover set up and cleaning costs.

We appreciate your understanding as we strive to serve our growing congregation!


Kiddush Packages
Each Kiddush price is based on the size of our congregation. If you are celebrating a special occasion and are expecting more than 10 extra guests, please notify us in advance as different fees apply.
PLEASE CONTACT US ABOUT DATE AVAILABILITY or with any questions or concerns by emailing our Kiddush coordinator Louise Schneider [email protected] or calling her  301-641-4155.
For Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, please contact Louise Schneider at [email protected] or  301-641-4155 regarding ceremony fees and Kiddush options.
Thank you for your sponsorship; we look forward to working with you to make your Kiddush special!


Date of Kiddush Sponsorship

Kiddush Options

Standard $400 - The Standard Kiddush includes 2 salads, crackers and dips, cholent, fresh fruit, vegetable platter, cake, drinks, and paper goods.
Deluxe $800 - The Deluxe Kiddush includes 2 salads, meat or chicken platter or bagels and lox, cholent, fresh fruit, occasion cake, drinks, and paper goods

Salad Options
Salad Options  
Deluxe Kiddush Options
Deluxe Addition    
Dessert Please choose one of the following desserts
Birthday Cake Custom Message
Price includes seltzer, chips, fresh cut-up fruit, green salad, and CSP’s own special cholent!


Name of Sponsor:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Kiddush Occasion:
Expected Guests:
Additional comments
Billing and Payment Information:
Check Credit Card

Total Amount:

Card Type: Card Number: Checkout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with PrivacyCheckout with Privacy
Exp: CVV Code:
Billing Address Billing State
Billing Zip Code    


*Occasionally substitutions will have to be made.


Custom Kiddushes available-please contact Sara Bluming [email protected] to discuss options.